Alcohol Orders

You may include alcohol in your delivery or pickup order as state or local laws allow.

Your orders

If alcohol is available by law, you can find it in the Beverage department under the shelves named Beers, Wines, and/or Spirits.

We'll remove alcohol from your order if you:

  • Are under 21 years of age
  • Can’t show a valid government-issued photo ID (for delivery and pickup orders)
  • Delivery: We’ll return your entire order to the store if you can’t show a valid photo ID.
  • Pickup: We’ll remove the alcohol from your order if you can’t show a valid photo ID.
  • Appear intoxicated
  • Appear to be giving alcohol to someone under 21

Some state/local laws prohibit the sale of alcohol during certain business hours.

  • If you include alcohol in your online order, we'll restrict the available timeslots to times that allow the sale of alcohol.
  • If you want to select a timeslot during hours when it’s unlawful to sell alcohol, we'll remove the alcohol from your order.

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