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Temporary Holds and Charges

What is a temporary hold?

When we authorize an estimated order amount from the credit or debit card, the bank places a hold on that amount to ensure there are enough funds to complete the purchase. It’s sometimes called an authorization hold and shows as pending in your account.

Why is my temporary hold different from my order total?

The hold may be more than the order’s final charge to account for:

  • Items priced by weight (E.g., broccoli).
  • Substitutions (E.g., higher price substitution has a higher hold amount until we charge for the item you get.)
  • Change in the number of items.
  • Any order cancellations.
  • Bag fees, depending on the state.

When will I be charged my final order total?

We charge the final order total to your credit or debit card once your order is:

  • Picked up
    • Picking up items from the store.
  • Delivered
    • The items are being delivered from the store.
  • Shipped
    • The items ship.

How long does it take for a temporary hold to be removed?

The bank will remove the hold based on their policies and procedures once the order is complete. Depending on the bank, it can take up to 10 days after the order is complete to remove the hold.

Only the bank can remove a temporary hold. We can’t remove the hold. Please contact your bank with any other questions.

What is an order adjustment debit?

When your payment method includes a prepaid or EBT card, an order adjustment debit is charged to ensure there are enough funds to complete your purchase.

How long does it take to get a refund for an order adjustment debit?

This charge covers adjustments to your final order total for items that are priced by weight, canceled, or potentially substituted. After your final total is confirmed, you'll be refunded any amount that is left over. Refunds to an EBT, gift card or refund credit should be refunded within 3 hours.

Why am I seeing two authorization charges on my account for an online order?

This can happen if there is a problem with the pickup or delivery time slot of your order. If it took longer than 15 minutes to complete checkout after selecting your timeslot and you had to pick a new timeslot, you may see two temporary authorization holds.

This can also happen if you add items to your order after it is initially placed. You may see a new temporary authorization hold for the additional items. 

Please contact your financial institution if you need further assistance with authorization holds.

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